Location and Info



Figure Skating Club

Espoon Jäätaiturit 
(briefly in English

club pages
Place of the Competition

Laaksolahti Arena
(Laaksolahden jäähalli)
Laaksolahti Arena in a map
(in Finnish: 'Jäähalli' in
'Laaksolahden urheilupuisto')


City of Espoo

the second biggest city in Finland
Capital of Finland

City of Helsinki

about 20 km from Laaksolahti
AirportHelsinki - Vantaa about 20 km from Laaksolahti

Taxi (Lähitaksi)


Port of Helsinki, passenger traffic

about 20 km from Laaksolahti
Railway Railway

Station: Helsinki
(small railway stations near Laaksolahti: Leppävaara and Espoo)

Local buses and trains

Public transport Helsinki area (including an easy to use and very useful journey planner)

Destinations (when using the journey planner):
- Laaksolahti Ice Hall, Espoo
- Tapiola, Espoo
- Airport, Vantaa
- Sello, Espoo

HotelsGlo Hotel Sello

Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden

Recommended hotels 
(quotas and special prices)
Shops and Malls

There are good shopping facilities in Helsinki and Espoo


Sello is in Leppävaara
(6 km from the ice hall)


Espoo mapservice

WeatherWeather and Climate in Espoo  


Laaksolahti Arena (6.3.2004/umh)
Just behind Laaksolahti Arena it is possible to swim in Lake Pitkäjärvi - even in winter! (6.3.2004/umh)