The Three Princesses (In English)
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The Three Princesses
(Kolme prinsessaa, ice show 25.-26.4.2015)
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who lived in a far away kingdom. The king and queen had three beautiful little princesses. Princess Green, Princess Red and Princess Blue. The three princesses were triplets and once they turned 12 they became old enough to travel around the kingdom. Princess Green fell in love with the green forests of the kingdom, Princess Red loved the busy town and Princess Blue dreamed about the sea. An evil Duke and Dutchess made sure that all the tree princesses could go back to the places they loved the most. But what happened when the princesses wanted to return to the kings’ castle…?
The 29th magical spring show of Espoon Jäätaiturit will be skated in Matinkylä ice hall 25-26.4.2015. This year the spring show will be a fairytale on ice telling the story of three princesses.
All skating school children will participate in three of the four shows (It is possible to perform less.) More information here.
Information to all performers and parents here (in Finnish)
Information about ticket sales here.
Information about DVD here (in Finnish).
Come and see high-flying jumps, breathtaking synchronized skating, princesses, bunnies and magic on ice!
![]() | Jääsatu_A4_FINAL.pdf (4.7 MB) Kolme prinsessaa -poster A4(pdf) |
![]() | KolmeprinsessaalehtinenEN.pdf (298 kB) Kolme prinsessaa - Three Princesses (in English) |
Princess Green - Prinsessa Vihreä | Edvina Langhoff |
Princess Blue - Prinsessa Sininen | Sanni Hirvikoski |
Princess Red - Prinsessa Punainen | Ella Nurmi |
King - Kuningas | Justiina Niemi |
Queen - Kuningatar | Jutta Haapamäki |
Duke - Herttua | Kia Warén |
Duchess - Herttuatar | Emma Niemi |
Cousin Lila - Liila-serkku | Doris Louhikoski |
Court marshal - Hovimarsalkka | Viveca Lindfors |
Fishermen - Kalastajat | Jenny Leppänen Lilli Saksela Alexandra Sandström |
Captain - Kapteeni | Emma Timonen |
Sailors - Merimiehet | Vera Eklund Essi Eriksson Viola Haikarainen Saga Hynninen Sirkku Koskenvaara Fanny Lindfors Veera Rissanen Gabriella Sandström |
Statues - Patsaat | Monica Lindfors Aino Palosuo Paula Savolainen |
Birds in the forest - Metsälinnut | Aava Hyyti Saga Höijer Ria Päivölä |
Seabirds - Merilinnut | Eevi Kankaanranta Milja Norrena Jessica Vuorinen |
Citybirds - Kaupunkilinnut | Julianne Vilos Elena Väänänen |
Animals in the forest - Metsäneläimet | K3-minit |
Children in the city - Kaupunkilaislapset | K3-minit |
Storm - Myrsky | Valley Bay Synchro |
Trees - Puut | Valley Bay Synchro |
Marching band - Soittokunta | Valley Bay Synchronics |
Ghosts - Kummitukset | Valley Bay Synchronettes |
Ship - Laiva | Valley Bay Synchronettes |
Labyrinth - Labyrintti | Muokkaminit Valley Bay Synchronettes |
Dancing children - Tanssivat lapset | Valley Bay Synchrokids |
Toys - Lelut | Perhoset |
Cupcakes - Leivokset | Leppikset |
Courtiers - Hoviväki | Liilat |
Cuort children - Hovilapset | Tintit |
Fishes - Kalat | Taiturit |
Fairies and Trolls - Keijut ja Peikot | Skating school: school age children (Viikkomintut, Mintut) |
Bunnies - Puput | Skating school: under school age children (Viikkotenavat, Aamutenavat, Tenavat) |
Townsmen - Kaupunkilaiset | Roosat |
Merchants - Torikauppiaat | Aikuiset |